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General Info Prague Spas Conferences and Incentives Tours and Excursions Tourist Destinations
Czech version
- Marianske Lazne
- Karlovy Vary
- Trebon
Welcome to the Czech Republic


The spa town of Karlovy Vary, located deep in the valley of the river Teplain the western Part of Bohemia at altitudes ranging from 360 to 644 metres above sea level, eas founded around 1350 by Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The stately streets and spa colonnades are surrounded by a romantic, mountainous landscape.

Natural curative resources, indications

12 hot and one cole curative spring, natural gas, peat and boggy soil are the natural resources applied in this town to treat a host of diseases, including digestive, locomotive and metabolic (diabetes mellitus, gout and obesity) disorders using state-of the-art therapeutical methods.


Marianske Lazne lies in a beautiful wide-open valley in western Bohemia, at altitudes ranging from 567 to 626 metres above sea level. An almost 20 kilometre-wide belt of will-maitained forest runs directly through the area of the spa, intersected by a range of walking paths. Approximately 100 springs of cold ferrous acidulous water of various chemical compositions have been discovered there, the first of them as early as the 16th century. Agenuien trasere and the dominant feature of the town´s chidfly Neoclassical buildings is a magnificent colonnade dating from 1889. A visit to „the modern-day Singing Fountain“ whire interesting music programmes coupled with light shows are staged, is likely to provide an unusual experience.

Natural curative resources, indications

The local mineral springs, peat and natural gas, combined with high-standard medical care, help trat kidney and urinary diseases, respiratory diseases, disorders of the locomotive apparatus and metabolism, as well as gynaecological diseases.


The western Bohemian spa town of Jáchymov is located in a deep forested valley at the foothills of the Krušné (Ore) Mountains,at altitudes ranging from 650 metres to 720 metres above sea level. The small town boasts a long and glorious history. Originally a settlement that thrived on silver mining, it was granted town status in the 16th century, together with the right to coin the famous Jahymov thaler, from which teh American dollar has derived its name. The origins of spa tratment there are connected to the famous scientific discovery by Nobel prize winners Pieree and Marie Surie, who managed to isolate radium an polonium, the first radioactive elements, from the waste of Jáchymov uranite. Their discovery initiated the research of the biological and curative effects of radiation on human organism and the possibilities of its use for tratment purposes. The discovery of rich radon springs in the fomer silver mines in 1906 provoded and impulse for the foundation of a radon spa, the first in teh world.

Natural curative resources, indications

The thermal and radon springs are used to treat all kinds of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the locomotive apparatus, post-injury and post-operative conditions, diseased of the peripheral nervous systen and metabolic disorders. The spa also provides geriatric treatment for old people.


Spa Teplice v Cechach is the oldest, but at the same time the most modern Czech spa, and one of the oldest in Europe. The spa is locted in northern Bohemia, between teh Krušné hory mountain range and the foothills of the Bohemian Central highldans, at an altitude of 220 metres above sea leve, some 90 kilometres from Prague in the direction of Dresden. There is evidence that curative thermal springs existed there in as early as 762, i.e. at the time when the Celts settled on what is now Czech Territory, whereas the use of the local resources for treatment, has been documented since the 12th century. The local spa facilities are located in the town cetnre, amidst parks and gardens. The town´s varied cultural and social life, together with spa treatment, help the spa guests regain health and mental balance. Part of Láznì Teplice is the spa of Dubí, located nerby, which spcializes in the treatment of locomotive apparatus diseases and nervous and mental disorders.

Natural curative resources, indications

The local natural hydrogen carbonat-sodium mineral water with fluoride and a high content of trace elements and precious metals, at a temperature of 39°C, is used to treat diseases of the locomotive apparatus and circulatory syste, mervous disorders, including conditions after apoplectic strokes, and disorders following myelo-encephalitis. The main methods of tratment applied are thermal baths and movement therapy in warm mineral water.


Janské Láznì, a non-traditional gate to the Krkonoše Mountains, the highest of the Czech mountain ranges, is located at the foot of Èerná hora at an altitude of 670 metres above sea level. In every season of the yar, visitors to Janské láznì can admire the picturesque scenery and peculiarities of the mountain landscape of the Krkonoše National Park. The local curative springs were first mentioned in historical annals in as early as the 15 th century. Since then, the local resources have been used to treat a varity of diseases. In 1935 a children´s sanatorium specializing in the treatment of polie, modelled on the Warm Springs in the USA, was opened in Janské Láznì, the first institutionof its kind in Europe. Par of the Janské Láznì spa is the Železnice State Spa which focuses on locomotive disorders caused by vervous problems and on burns sustained by children.

Natural curative resource, indications

A range of rehabilitaion methods, combined with the effect of thermal mineral water, are employed in the treatment of refractory nervous disorders and locomotive apparatus disease, particularly of conditions after polio and burns. Holidays in the pure mountain environment are also beneficial for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs.


The ancient town of Podebrady, nestling in the fertile Polabi lowlnds, less than 50 kilometres from Prague, was first mentioned in historical annals in 1224 as a settlement, and later as a castle, erected on a trade route near a ford on the river Labe. In the 15the century, King George of Podebrady granted town status to it and in the 17th century a small spa was founded near a spring of curative ferric acidulous water. The modern-day history of the town and the local spa industry commenced in the Art Nouveau period, when a new rich spring of mineral water witha large content of carbon dioxide, magnesium and calcium was discovered. The curative mineral water, the surrounding lowlands and the low altitude (185 metres) are reasons why the spa has won favour with people suffering from the hear diseases. The spa centre nestles amidst parks, and lush lowland forest line both banks of the river Labe. The tranquil, romantic environment is excellent not only for spa guests, but also for those interested in hiking and sport.

Natural curative resources, indications

The local mineral water with a high content of carbon dioxide is used to treat cardio-vascular disease, diabetes and its complications, and locomotive apparatus disorders.


The ancent town of Trebon is located in teh gently undulating landscape of southern Bohemia t an altitude of 450 metres above sea level. Its beautiful environment, abounding in deep forests and picturesque lakes which have won the attibute „ a town of lakes“for Trebon and „a landscape of mirrors“ for the Trebon basin, hass been disegnated a protected landscape area and a UNESCO biospheric reserve. Tøeboò´s historic core, whose origins reach back to the 12th century, has been declared an urban reserve. The spa, The Renaissance chateau, the adjacent parks and the large expanse of Lake Svet (World) form a unique entily witha special local colour.

Natural curative resources, indications

The high-quality simple peat, natuiral peat and modern therapeutical methods are applied in the treatment and recovery of the locomotive apparatus.


The town of Luhacovice, located in teh protected area of Bile Karpaty in the south-eastern part of Moravia, nestes in a picturesque park-like valley whose forested slopes rise up to an altitude of 600 metres above sea level. The local spa industry has atradition spanning more than three centuries. Luhaèovice flourished in the early 20th century in connection with the development of Czech balneology, and has gradually grown into a renowned spa resort highly popular with visitors, including somposer Leoš Janáèek. The beauties of nature blend well with remarkable spa buildings designed by architect Dusna Jurkovic whose architectural expression was influenced by the rather unusual folk architecture of the Wallachian region. Interms of size the Luhaèovice spa compares well with important international spas.

Natural curative resources, indications

The spa provides treatment to patients suffering from respiratory disease and desease of the digestive ofgans, metabolic disorders (diabete, obesity) and locomotive apparatus disorders. There is a range of possibilities, including curative, health and relaxation stays and health holidays. 14 kinds of hydrogen carbonate-sodium-chloride natural mineral waters (the most famous of which is the Cincentka) and one sulphuric spring are use for treatment there. The chemical composition includes sodium, calcium, magnesium chloride, iron, carbonic acid, bromide, iodine and other important elements.


The town of Jesenik located in the northernmost corner of Moravia is ovelooked by a rather special structure reminiscent of a chateau. in 1822 a hydropathis institute, the first facility of its kind in the world, was erected ther, on a mounainous hill-side at an altitude of 620 metres above sea leve. Its construction marked the beginning of modern balneology which was overseen by the local progressive folk therapist Vincenz Priessnitz. On the ocassion of the 200th anniversyry of his birth, the name of this therapist was entered into the UNESCO Calendar of World Anniversaries. Jesenik, located in an intact mountainous environment with pure air, is above all a climtic spa, which, however, offers its guests a range of supplementary summer and winter sports opportunities.

Natural curative resources, indications

The local microclimate, combined with hydropathic procedures, is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory organs, boold circulation and thyroid gland, mental disorders, and female and skin diseases. The spa´s predominantly foreigh clients also seek treatment for disorders of the locomotive apparatus.