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Welcome to the Czech Republic


The Czech Republic has almost all types of landscape on its relatively small area. Fertile lowlands lie next to hilly country as well as high mountains, karst areas with mysterious caves are just as inviting as bizarre sandstone rocks.

The main mountain ranges are situated on the state border. The highest is the Krkonose (Giant Mountains) in the north, with the peaks (Snezka-Snow Mountain, 1,602 metres above sea level) rising above the forest line. The Jizerske hory (Jizerské Mountains) is very attractive for tourists. The deep forests of the Sumava (Bohemian Forest) in the south-west, with gladallakes and numerous peat bogs, have a spedal charmi nature in the Sumava is stilllargely unaffected by modern dvilization. Also the mountain ranges in Moravia, the Jeseniky and the Beskydy, attract visitors by beautiful sceneries and a friendly ambience. But the landscape at lower altitudes has its charm too. The vast Ceskomoravska vrchovina (Bohemian-Moravian Highlands) is covered by a picturesque mosaic of the woods, grassland and fields the Bile Karpaty (White Carpathians) in the southeast are well-known for their flowery meadows which are 50 charming in springtime. The Ceske stredohori (Central Bohemian Highlands) creates a dramatic landscape of long-extinct steep-sloping volcanoes where many peaks offer an outlook far and wide. A valuable naturallandscape, quite close to Prague, is represented by the Kriivoklat protected landscape area with deep river and brook valleys and original forests, and the protected limestone formations of Cesky kras (Bohemian Karst).

The most valuable natural areas are protected in four national parks (Krkonose, Sumava, Podyjí and Ceske Svycarsko districts) and in many protected landscape areas and nature reserves. Most protected areas are open to visitors free of charge, no special permission is required.

The Czech Republic is also a country of lakes and ponds. The serene waters of hundreds of lakes in the south Bohemian basin com plete a harmonic landscape, which offers a welcome refuge from the rush of modern times. Artificial reservoirs on many rivers in Bohemia and Moravia serve both domestic and foreign visitors for recreation. The largest dams with reservoirs are on the Czech "national river" - the Vltava (Moldau).

A special kind of landscape is represented by sandstone areas, where millions of years of action by frost, water and wind created deep canyons and imposing rock labyrinths. The Cesky raj (Bohemian Paradise) is a fitting name for one such area. Limestone formations offer a chance to see caves and vast underground spaces the Moravsky kras (Moravian Karst) north of Brno is the largest of these territories.